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Thank you for your intention to make a philanthropic contribution to the INSS.

Please choose the amount you would like to contribute and note if it is earmarked for a specific project.

We would be pleased if you would join the INSS Partners’ Forum (minimum contribution of USD 10K or equivalent), which convenes prominent business and public figures for periodical “behind the scenes” security briefings, roundtables, field trips and exclusive learning events addressing key challenges to Israel’s national security.

Partners make their extensive experience available to enrich and enhance INSS formulation of recommendations and strategies.

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If you would like to use this method of payment, please contact

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Subtotal Subtotal $
Total Total $
0.00 $

After submitting the form you will be redirected to a secure website to perform the transaction. Only after doing so will your registration be completed.

Invoice/Receipt Information

After submitting the form you will be redirected to PayPal to confirm the transaction. Only after doing so will your registration be completed.

In order to verify that you were invited, please fill in the code you recieved when invited